When it is $3.00 a yard and neutral -- it is a given, BUY IT -- all of it! Considering I have gone through mounds of my light backgrounds for the Card Trick String Pieced Top and Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt, I gave myself permission to buy this. Also picked up a couple of pieces of Kona Cotton in Stone and Sand colors. The downside, I dipped below my 100 yard Stash Busting Goal.
Stash Report:
Finished this week, -0- (Almost, but not close enough to count)
Used To Date, (394.60)
Purchased this week, 17 yards (ouch - but worth it)
Purchased year to date, 298.90
Net Busted, (95.70)
For more Stash Reports, let's all visit Judy at
Patchwork Times!
Well, a girl's gotta have background fabric!
I learned the hard way this year that you have to have the background fabric to use the other fabric. Still being 5 yards off the goal isn't too bad, 95 yards out is great!
So finish 5 yards worth in the next week, and you'll be back on top! Great find!!
Don't fret...You have time yet to recoup 5 yards. Bonnie's neutrals for the RRCB kicked my neutrals in the butt too. I am really tempted to go over to Whittles online and get some. I make mostly scrappy quilt so the print style doesn't really matter. They always have great deals.
You have time, and you're doing great!
At that price, slipping is understandable. :-)
I quite understand. BQ had a sale with Fairy Frost at $4.00 and if I had had money I would have taken advantage of it. Hopefully it will still be there Tuesday.
I don;t think that's a slip, just plan smart! If you have any left over, I'd be willing to buy a yard of this off you. My FIL collects keys and this would be great to do a project I have in mind for him.
PS: Your numbers look great!
I didn't have your email address but wanted to thank you for that piece of fabric. It's perfect!
Sorry to hear about your loss too. I hope time and prayers will ease your family's hearts. Absolutely love the monochromatic quilt, the look of yoru RRCB and the striped card trick quilts. All beautiful!
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