In early November, I will be heading to the Houston Quilt Show -- can't wait! As part of my routine, I try each and every long arm machine...longing to bring one home. Last year, I fell in love with the George, because it was a sit down model and most like what I do now. However, I have this large window overlooking the neighborhood that would be a perfect location for a long arm. I have been trying to convince my husband how much I need it. When DH asked how much --- I answered sweetly --- "About the same as one of your boats in the barn"! Yes, it will bring the cost of each finished quilt up a few notches, but how many people have actually sat down and calculated the price per pound of the fish in my freezer :)!
Now, back to reality.... Stash Report:
Purchased this week, -0-
Purchased year to date, 276.90
Used, (.5) yard (Only quilting tops this past week)
Used year to date, (351.5)
Net, (74.60)
For more stash reports, visit Judy at Patchwork Times.
If there are boats in the barn a longarm is needed in the house! I love the Lenny! Wish DH had a boat! Maybe a tractor counts!
You are so close to a beautiful finish - just a binding. Had to laugh about the boat - fish price...
Love the fish analogy! We have deer and elk with fish thrown in.......we call it fancy gourmet food. :-)
The quilt is fabulous. Have fun test driving long arms.
I'd love to have a long-arm machine one day. Good luck at the show and I hope you find one you can buy or maybe trade a boat or a freezer of fish for.
I will be testing right behind you. I want one so bad I can taste it. I even gave my Phaff with frame to DD as preparation. But have decided to wait until hubby finishes my studio in the extra area (34 by 34) of the house. Since he hasn't even cleared the area, it may be a while before I get one.
Have a wonderful time in Houston. I really hope to see that show someday. And just sew you know...when you get a for quilting often follows. Quilters are always looking for someone to quilt for them....might bring the price per quilt back down :-)
Also, check out the A-1's. I love mine. and you can get a saddle chair for sit down quilting, right in with the price. No affiliation, just a satisfied customer.
I think you're on the right track. I was able to get my HQ16 shortly after DH won a boat on E-Bay! If you have the space, don't give up.
Beautiful quilt Jamie, love the colors. You're quilting looks great. Will be going to Houston also, can't wait.
Ooo-o, good comeback on the "boats". I like your quilt colors and cannot wait to see it. I'm not sure what you mean by "the George"? I sit and quilt at my machine, but it's not a long arm, it's a domestic machine on a frame.
Your quilt is wonderful. I look forward to seeing it in all its glory. I have absolutely LOVED my longarm. Try them all out and continue to dream and scheme. I believe you are on the right path. LOL
I love the custom quilting! It is gorgeous. Again, the colors are just beautiful. Really nice work!
xo -El
That quilt looks gorgeous. Lovely colours. I loved that comparison of boats and longarms - it worked for me.
When I was down South and had a condo on False River, someone once commented that it must be nice to have all that free fish. I replied that I figured it was about $564/lb. Love your quilt! Can't wait to see it all finished up!
Did you do that wonderful quilting yourself on your sewing machine?
Hi Jamie, it would be so nice to meet you and your sister if you stop by at Winnie's Trade Days. I'm in #3, stop in and say hello if you get a chance. Love your work and the idea of comparing boats to long arms. I'll have to remember that one. Hope to go to Market and the Festival before Trade Days.
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