Future Surgeon, Quilter, or BOTH! My sister Phyllis sent this picture over this morning. Her granddaughter, 4-year old Alexis is perfoming surgery on her baby's butt after being attacked by the family dog. I stopped by and sure enough -- the baby is recoupering just fine -- the surgeon did a great job.
My Stash Report:
Same as last week -- nothing purchased, nothing finished. I did pick up Christmas Fabric this week, but the completed top is going back to the Quilting Niche' tomorrow for quilting and becomes their shop quilt.
Finished to date, (293.0)
Purchased to date, 245.35
Net busted, (47.65)
For more stash reports, visit Judy at Patchwork Times.
That's so cute! Gotta start sometime and when better to start than when you're 4 years old!
How funny! I can see my granddaughter doing the same thing in a year or so - she'd do it now, but I don't leave the needles down where she can get them!
That's such a cute picture and story -- you've got to scrap book it so she can remember it later!
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